Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Be a Bad Person Who Steals Files

So the other day I received a phone call from the same person with whom I interned a couple weeks ago. Essentially, they couldn't find a file I had saved to the laptop, and wanted me to go over there immediately to retrieve it. Now, note a few things:

1. At this point, I was no longer an "employee" for about two full weeks
2. The person wanted me to go over there immediately because this was a "very urgent matter."
3. The laptop crashed the day after I left (which was blamed on me and not on her spilling her coffee on it the day before)
4. This person also casually threw in how they were also missing some bank documents, so I needed to see them anyway to "turn over everything."

Of course, there was no way I was going over there. I had no bank documents, I saved the document on the faulty laptop, and it's frankly not my problem that the person can't find it. However, I gave the person some guidance as to where to look for the document amidst the thousands of other client documents the person has saved on this laptop that crashed the day after I left (so really who the heck knows where this thing is). I don't really know if this person heard my guidance, since they were talking over me and telling me how horrible of a person I was, how I care for no one but myself, how this reflects very poorly on myself, etc etc. Luckily for all involved, my roommate came home in the middle of this episode and took away the fork and knife I had in front of me left over from lunch - he probably stopped an outbreak of violence right there and then.

When I got off the phone, I realized that this person called me, not just because they couldn't work their "search" function in My Documents, but because they were frustrated at themselves and needed someone else to blame it on. In fact, this person actually said, "If you would have stayed, this wouldn't have happened!" Well, this is true, if I stayed this wouldn't have happened. But that's mostly because I would have lost it and burnt down the house in a murderous fit of blind rage, so the laptop just wouldn't have existed at all. But they don't realize that, and need a scapegoat so they don't look like a fool in front of the client (who, by the way, is a very nice person). If that's me, fine. As long as I don't have to see the person ever again for the rest of my days, I don't really care. Because really, who wants to continually talk to a person whose sole purpose for calling you is to inform you that you are a bad person? I thought people stopped doing that in high school. Fo' realz.

So this whole episode (which I consider to be over, and if the person calls again they will get an email informing them as such) just reminds me to always trust my instincts. There's no point in working somewhere where I fantasize in burning down the place weeks after I leave.

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