Friday, April 15, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Steal Files

Hello all and Welcome! I started this blog, today of all days (Tax Day) as kind of an outlet for myself and a way to keep a record of all the ways that us new grads are looking for work. I will mostly focus on us law grads and other professional grads, as we all know you undergrads have no marketable skills yet, and so should rightly give up your jobs for those of us who have hundreds of thousands of dollars of students loans to pay. Unless you have over $50k in non-dischargeable student debt and a degree in a hard science, engineering, or business, stop whining!


Kind of.

But seriously. Today I ended my shortest internship ever, and I couldn't be happier. Today I was accused of stealing client files, thus the name of the blog. Today I was also ridiculed, berated, called stupid and selfish, told I lacked empathy, and think only of myself. Oh, I almost forgot, I have no regard for anyone's time but my own and cause everyone around me to waste their time on me as well. I was also accused of stealing my own file, as it could not be found and the only possible explanation was that I took it. Nevermind her office looked like a Xerox machine and a paper mill staged a death-match and both lost. The only possible explanation was that I stole the file. Obviously, I did not steal any files. Although, come to think of it, I probably should have as she didn't make any copies of any of the agreements I signed and I should have asked for them.

At least it was the exit interview. I hope to never set my eyes on the lady ever again, and so I'm just going to have to wing it with those copies of the agreements I signed. Hopefully, with no proof that I was there, I don't have to ever include the internship information on any kind of application I ever fill out ever again...especially since I witnessed her botching someone else's application and made the silent vow never to let her do that to me. It didn't help that I was completely uncompensated for my time, aside from Karma. If I could pay rent in Karma points, I would live in Dupont. Alas, I pay rent in $$, so I don't (<3 to my roomie!!).

In the future, I will write about my own personal job-searching and internship stories and include good advice I learn about job searches. It's a rough world out there, but somebody's gotta be in it!

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